Angels Reach
About Us
About Angels Reach Foundation
Angels Reach Foundation was established in 2004 in response to the needs presented by one of the founder’s children, as well as the needs of other children with similar needs, who could not receive the most critically required interventions in the form most necessary for effective growth. Exhaustive searches throughout both Miami-Dade and Broward counties revealed only services addressing individual aspects of the problem, but there existed a lack of comprehensive, integrated, quality services for children with developmental delays, especially for high-fuctioning children who attempted to use stronger skills to compensate for foundational deficits.
Children were found to be grouped primarily by age, rather than by functioning abilities. Therefore, higher functioning children were placed in settings where appropriate peer modeling was not available, and where maladaptive behaviors could be imitated. Symptoms presented by children were often treated superficially and in isolation, without accounting for foundational and systematic deficits that significantly challenged progress despite intensive therapy. Angels Reach Foundation was established to finally offer the intensive, individualized, comprehensive and integrated intervention programs such special children need and deserve.

Angels Reach’s Unique Benefits:
- Integration of the most supportive therapy methods throughout a comprehensive therapy session facilitates optimal development across all areas of need
- Focus on language, communication, social skills, self-regulation, and individual cognitive abilities to support school readiness
- Daily one-on-one intensive attention by a professional, cross-trained and dedicated staff
- Certified and degreed (including Doctoral level) educators, behavior analysts, and therapists
- Individual, Functionally Matched Peer, and Small Group (average 1.5:1 child to therapist ratio) therapy sessions
- Children individually selected for best functioning group or individual program within a supportive environment
- Convenience and affordability of having the most successful interventions integrated within each session at one location
- Nurturing environment where a child’s individual strengths and needs are regularly monitored and challenged
- Proven to be uniquely effective at supporting maximum development in children
- Parent support for participation includes private and/or group training as well as regular parent networking/support meetings
- Special diets strictly observed with team members trained in basics of GF/CF food handling
- Bilingual facilitators (English/Spanish)
- Potty training assistance with support from behavior therapists

Be an angel
With the support of individuals and corporations, Angels Reach has the ability to touch the hearts and change the lives of the children who study in our School. It is with great pride that we acknowledge and thank our donors and sponsors for their acts of kindness and generous support.